In the Name of the Cosmos

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It's What You Make of It , Mars Moves into Taurus

Mars moves into the fixed earth sign of Taurus on February 22nd – April 13th joining Rahu forming a powerful Angarak Yog. This is not something to fear only to recognize where to gain the benefit. 

Jupiter through April 4th gives Rahu and Mars a beneficial aspect and Venus the ruler of Taurus is controlled in Aquarius until April 9th which is a good thing for this Mars transit. At the time of Mars' entry into Taurus and Mercury has already moved direct becoming more powerful day by day, also good for this transit.

Transiting Mars will discharge his energy through aspect to the signs of Leo, Scorpio, and Sagittarius. So look to where these signs are for you in your chart to get their assignments clear. 

Mars transit into the sign of Taurus is unstable in that the energy combined with Rahu is unreliable, it comes in bursts, Becoming more heated by the 3rd week of March through April 13th.

Most significantly in Mars transit into the sign of Taurus is that Mars is the key in the ignition of the Rahu and Ketu energy shift that began back in September.  The combined fire of Mars & Rahu scorches the earthly qualities of economics, and Rahu serves as a magnifier of it. From the 3rd week of March, we may see new economic plans rolled out dealing with our finances and transactions. These two planets in the house of the Bull confirming things will not go back the way they were. They are changing forever how we transact in all forms. Mars' job is to clarify and enforce it.

Of the two, Rahu is in control and everything is being moved to make way for the new.  The challenge is that our desire for comfort is dominating our logical mind and with Jupiter conjunct, with Saturn, there is no wise counsel until after April 4th when Jupiter moves into Aquarius. 

Mars and Rahu together can be impatient, emboldened, and aggressive. Beware of spontaneous thoughtless decisions that could be a disastrous waste of your resources during his transit. 

The quickened pace of Mars transit will start on March 11th when Mars moves into Rohini nakshatra and by April 4th Mars and Rahu’s energy will be unmistakable when it enters Mrigashira things become heated and where we will see a discovery of information not revealed before. Watch your speech, during this period this does not only mean negative, you can choose to direct your speech for positive benefit as well. 

Days to be cautious are the 24th - 27th of March these days Mercury will square Ketu, Rahu, and Mars,  Venus will be exalted we have the Full Moon to boot and everything is just over the top

We normally underestimate ourselves, if we want to turn the tables this is the time.  Taurus is a financial sign and Mars and Rahu like to win, winning is not a bad thing everyone should win.

I send you lots of love and luck with the transit of Mars into Taurus


Om Tat Sat

It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and how you can better direct your focus and energy for the best results in 2021

Mantra for Mars Transit

|| ॐ हं हनुमत्ये नमो नमः

श्री हनुमत्ये नमो नमः

जय जय हनुमत्ये नमो नमः

श्री राम दुताय नमो नमः ||

|| Om Han Hanumate Namo Namah

Shree Hanumatye Namo Namah

Jay Jay Hanumate Namo Namah

Shree Ram Dutaay Namo Namah ||