In the Name of the Cosmos

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New Moon in Sagittarius in Mula Nakshatra The Essentials

Curious and adapting, our minds are quickened by Venus and Mercury who are accompanying last New Moon of the Year in Sagittarius the sign that looks to long-term goals and make plans for the future.

The nakshatra activating the New Moon is Mula ruled by the Goddess Nritti (निरृति) a fierce form of Kali. What is perceived as fierce is truly her aspect of containment in the rapture of change. The joy of transformation and setting ourselves free.

A divine blessing at the time of the rebirthing of the Sun, the Moon is also renewing. Through the expression of Venus joined with the Moon our mind and spirit discover our talents. Mercury will remind us to focus on what is most essential.

Retrograding Mars aspecting the Moon activates a desire to roam and be free, the flowing of ideas. Mars (the hunter) ignites the Moon's desire to experience everything to explore and discover.

Second, from the New Moon is Saturn picking up its speed as it prepares to change signs in 27 days, moving into his moola trikona position (his office) the sign Aquarius where he gets to work for the people where will all feel the benefit and relief. Jupiter the lord of Sagittarius is 4th from the new Moon is in a beneficial angle energising the Moon-forming and forming a Gaj Kesari Yoga guiding the Moon with wisdom while being alert to recognise the possibilities unfolding before us.

 I send you love and luck in the new Moon cycle and wish you Happy Holi- Days

with love

 Siri Prakash

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