In the Name of the Cosmos

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The Wind of Gemini Spreads the Heat and Determination of Mars through November 13th.

Ideas, thoughts and communication flow begin to take on a fast-paced rhythm. Persistent Mars is keen on opening the path igniting our ambitious nature and getting things moving. Transiting Mercury now in good dignity, deposits Mars and is influenced by Mars's aspect marrying the energies of these Grahas in a unified intent to get to the bottom line and get it in motion. 

The demands and declarations we can make with Mars's initial entry into Gemini are peppered with frustration, not out of anger but an eagerness to be rebirthed to finally see what is on the other side of change. This nervous excitement can invite the risks of acting in haste and potentially inviting problems that will arrive in Mid January when Saturn moves into Aquarius and communes with Mars through March.

As we are now in the window of the eclipse arriving on the 25th the atmosphere is impregnated with the theme of relationships, transitions and agreements  (personal, professional and between countries) The dialogue between our mind and heart is focused on what we are saying yes too. Mars and Mercury give great insight and connection to find a way through but there are a few ingredients that still need to be added before we see the result.

Saturn is preparing to shift and end his retrograde cycle on the 22nd, transiting Mars gives his 8th aspect while in Gemini which makes it also quite a tricky period for decisions.

The cycle we are in gives a chance for some deep repair work, for old and stuck karmas and scars to be healed and transformed and in that process it will naturally reverberate into a better future. Use the spurt of energy provided by Mars influenced by Mercury to get clear where you may have sold yourself short, and what agreements you made with yourself that were simply bad deals. Mars will provide the courage to say it clearly and make better ones.

With love and moonlight

Siri Prakash

if you are feeling the challenge of Mars petition for grace by chanting the Hanuman Chalisa

a reading to see what’s in store for you in 2023, the upcoming eclipses and learn how you can direct your focus and energy to get the best results.