In the Name of the Cosmos

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Fulfilling Action! Saturn Direct October 23rd

It is said that Kali is the one who gets Saturn to move

Saturn resumes direct motion at 24°of Capricorn on October 23rd. Saturn directs measures of light and magnetism to our janma (birth) for cosmic purposes. Saturn was a great devotee of Shiva and share some similar qualities.

When Saturn places obstacles in our path it is to create self-awareness, dedication, and self-acceptance that leads to self-respect, self-confidence and self-realisation.

The obstacles sometimes placed in our path represent the return of karma to this lifetime, and other times Saturn delivers obstacles to our gratification. Saturn controls time, the breath and the balance sheet. Saturn can raise the status to the skies and equally drop one into an abysmal depth.

As the child of the Sun and Chaaya (shadow), Saturn has a difficult relationship with the Sun (authority and ego). Saturn in many ways is more of a rebel than a taskmaster, he can readily challenge authority. Saturn is also sleepy slow planet, he is not the creator of discipline in us rather he is the consequence of being disciplined or not. When its our turn and Saturn is awakened in our charts we can feel his presence and know he is here to collect and those who have performed their duty he rewards.

From Capricorn, we have seen Saturn challenge the world with themes of security and nurturing comfort (Cancer) since January 2020. For the next six weeks, Saturn is charged with completing the lesson and Capricorn will be the area that will need our attention and requires a shift.

For those with planets near or at 24° or in the signs of Libra, Capricorn, Pisces or Cancer pay special attention to the areas these rule for you. With patience, perseverance, humility, and devotion, things will move forward in the appropriate way.

Stay on top of this wild energy of October and become the tenacious goat, that can chew through anything and climb the most rugged terrain. Answering the call and Saturn in Capricorn can lead you into new realms of material manifestation in business as Capricorn is one of the prime business planets. When Saturn moves into Aquarius in January 2023 he will put pressure on authority and fight for the people.

From our Sun, the seven rays are directed to the seven planets and two nodes, Rahu and Ketu; the planets and nodes combine and recombine light and magnetism and reflect these as cosmic forces into the field of birth. The field of right action is the field of the human body.


I send you lots of love with the forward motion of Saturn

Siri Prakash

Book a reading to see what’s in store for you in 2023, upcoming eclipses and Saturns energy for you in 2023