In the Name of the Cosmos

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New Moon in Pisces, Adapting to the Direction of Change April 11th/12th

Sitting on the cusp of change in the deepest part of Pisces, the new Moon marks the end of the Vedic year of Shavari and the beginning of the year of Plava, a year of flooding and flowing. The crossing of the gates of change into the new.

The new Moon arrives at a crossroads called Gandanta where the element water changes to fire ‘’a karmic knot’. The alchemy point to adapt to new as we face changes learning quickly how we adapt to them collectively and personally arriving to meet the future of great change.

Revati nakshtra is a path finder, a means finder, the intelligence flowing. Water is both nourishing and destructive as it breaks things down, creating new paths and new directions.

The key energies surrounding and influencing the new Moon cycle are a combust Mercury, Venus, and Moon, all three are our exchange planets and our transaction planets, preparing us for new beginnings by facilitating necessary endings.

Jupiter in Aquarius in Dhanishta nakshatra is under the influence of Saturn and Rahu who are both strongly placed where we are expected to fall in line and obey the rules as the world ushers in a new way of transaction. This is an important key as Jupiter is the guide, the law, Saturn is the people, karma, and restriction. Rahu is unprecedented changes, new technologies without prior experience.

During the new Moon cycle Mars and the Sun will change signs on April 14th, Mars free from the negative influence of Rahu and the Sun moves into its exaltation, this also indicates the swift changes, the King is empowered and Mars the soldier and enforcer begins to signal with Saturn.

Revati the nourisher ruled by the deity Pushan the shepherd, is the guide to those who feel lost Revati lessons are of breaking inherited patterns, the breaking of the illusion of our childish perceptions, moving on from what we have outgrown, the raising of children (the people) with nourishment (exchange).

Revati is the engaged intelligence that guides us on how to get where we need to go the flow of our universal mind, our intuitive intelligence. How we care of ourselves and raise ourselves to meet the times. Putting our house in order to meet the swift changes to come adapting as water does, creating new streams. Revati is the beauty of Vitaliy how you are keeping yourself clear and flexible, qualifying your thoughts and your actions to meet the need.

This new moon initiates the festival of Chaitra Navaratri calling in the power of the Divine energy– the springtime 9 nights of the Goddess, calling in the power of the divine feminine to bless the earth. Celebrate what gives you nourishment and feed that with your heart and soul, and let your higher intelligence navigate your direction.

I send you lots of love during this New Moon Cycle

Siri Prakash

It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you with the transit of Jupiter and how you can better direct your focus and energy to get the best results