In the Name of the Cosmos

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Learning to Respond But Not React Libra Vishaka Full Moon May 7th

art by Karine Stader

Bathing in the light of the Sun the Moon reaches its fullness at 23º12 at the tail end of Libra in the lunar house of Vishaka bringing in some clarity an awakening to polarised issues, the aha moment we need to get some perspective.

Aspected by Saturn, Rahu and Mercury the tension and turbulence in the atmosphere is palatable. The planetary energies surrounding the full Moon are intense as the Moon builds strength so does Saturn, Jupiter and Venus all now stationing to begin their retrograde within a week of the Full Moon and with Mars in Aquarius under the influence of Rahu adding to the pressure.

Rahu and Saturn are both fear producing planets. Rahu thoughts can come in the form of paranoia and misinformation. Saturn thoughts can come in the form of fear and anxiety. We must direct our energy now to stay grounded in both our thoughts and emotions. The days surrounding the Moon is where our emotional wounds and fragility can rise to the surface and manifest in outward and forceful ways, such as in a striving for dominance. A key to establishing harmony with others may be through the ability to acknowledge the underlying turbulent emotions involved and but not being lead by them.

The depositor of the Moon, Venus who is quite strong now represents our human challenge to live in community as individuals. Here, Venus leads us through the exploration of social laws. How we interact on every level with one another and the planet(s) themselves is reflected in Venus' domain of relationships, connection and creation.

The Full Moon lesson is dedication, union and connection to your insight. It brings the eagerness to unite for the sake of becoming greater the coming together to find our resource. It is not a place that gives instantaneous results, but rather a place where steady persistence bears fruit, the rich harvest after tending the soil, setting our sights on goals that benefit everyone and willingness to take the time and make the efforts that will result in a beautiful harvest for all.

Come into your center and open the space and fill it with compassion, with the intention to hear the more evolved messages coming your way keeping your mind steady and strong.

It’s important for our sanity and togetherness, even while we’re physically apart, to remain open-hearted and curious, remembering that whatever feelings arise can be our teacher. We can recognise how we feel, with neutral awareness, and where those feelings are causing tension in our bodies.

Then we relax into ourselves, each other, and the changes of the world, facing the unknown with growing courage and clarity. We’ll be ready to innovate and adapt, to love and embrace one another. We can begin to create an enlightened society—the highest potential of the Aquarian Age. Together, we can rebuild our communities and culture, weaving a new social fabric from threads of kindness and consideration, which each of us is cultivating in solitude.

I send you lots of love with the Full Moon cycle

Siri Prakash

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