In the Name of the Cosmos

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November New Moon Time To Unite , Vedic Astrology

The mystical poetry of love and devotion as seen from the Moon as it merges with the Sun at 10°of Scorpio in the lunar house of Anuradha nakshatra.

Scorpio moons tend to activate the restlessness of our subconscious mind illuminating it’s holds and all of its underpinnings. Anuradha is the lifeline to our heart in these murky waters giving us a remedy to find our way to the surface opening to deeper connection where all of us shows up.

Anuradha nakshatra is very connected to the heart, filled with Bhakti and devotion creating a space within us to make peace with our shadows, opening our capacity to create changes that are filled with a renewed love and affection and in doing so we blossom into intimacy—both with ourselves and each other.

By contemplating one of the key symbols of Anuradha, the lotus flower we understand the journey of our mind and emotional body, the Moon, where it must to travel to give us the experience our depth to bringing us to directly the heart of it, through our and tribulations where we refine our devotion and commitment.

The muddy waters are in fact a spiritual well, a place visit to process our own unique struggle to find our rooting, in complete darkness with very little external sustenance using  our commitment and endurance finding our strength to surface to give our blossom as a gift to the world in stillness, communing with all creation.  

The first step toward mastery of our inner stillness is the practice of devotion to one­ pointedness, Ekagrata. An awareness that is focused, that puts the full force of the mind perception dissolving the barrier between the observer and the object, this is the essence of Anuradha. The commitment to give of yourself, to yourself and merge with your Cosmic Beloved (whatever you choose to call GOD).

It’s a good time over the next 28 days to connect with old friends and new groups to unite and to just show up, even if you resist or feel fed up show up and connect and you will be rewarded. This is a very heart healing and heart opening Moon cycle, how to share your gifts and uplift through your challenges and through resistance. Be open and pay attention to the details, follow you inspirations and look for the omens.

The collective consciousness on the planet continues to change at an accelerate pace we all have the capacity to make the necessary changes in our individual lives. The increased pressure is creating a powerful turning point in our perception and consciousness where we are rebirthing ourselves into a greater self mastery, reaching for emotional maturity and our innate wisdom.

As we prepare for what’s to come in 2020 its time to build our futures with greater maturation and awareness. We started the off the month under some significant challenges and this New Moon cycle is a period where we have full access to our sense of self and a deep strength infused with life’s rich tapestry, may we take root in the  glory of who we are and expand to the stars and beyond finding our destiny that truly fulfils us.

I wish you love and luck in the New Moon cycle

Siri Prakash

The month of December brings an unusual line up of planets with the shadow Ketu, the tail of the snake that causes eclipses. This will set the stage for a powerful acceleration of growth and change into 2020.   Schedule a reading 📩 email or click below.

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