Unwavering and Persistent Capricorn Full Moon In Sravana on August 3rd
photo K.Carrier
Shining in face of challenge, the Moon becomes full at 17.37°of Capricorn. Loosely conjoined a retrograde Saturn and opposite to Mercury, who jumped into the pool of Cancer with the Sun on August 1st. The consciousness depositing our Moon cycle, is the nakshatra Sravana.
The gripping both of our minds (Moon and Mercury) are two great teachers: the Sun, and Saturn. Presenting us with unavoidable reckonings, of where do we want to go and what is the best path to get us there?
Moons in Sravana are quick, Muhammad Ali had his moon in Sravana and is my favorite example of the influence of this Nakshatra and how we can utilize its potential, he was a master of clarity (knowing where/deliberate) transference (impact/force) and movement (to strike) for the desired effect.
This full Moon cycle we are motivated to seek answers by asking intelligent and logical questions. Calling on our deep inner strength as we move through the pains of an epic rebirth.
Taking responsibility for ourselves, with tenderness and courage, clarity, self-reliance. We are cultivating a deep emotional mastery and the answers become evident.
Listen to the truth, not just the words spoken. Don’t avoid the struggle or allow yourself to be hijacked by your emotions, distractions or the opinions of others. Sravana is a great Nakshatra that focuses our lens of our consciousness to hear subtle messages from the universe, and our inner guidance systems. Linked to the goddess Saraswati, and presided by Lord Vishu. It is the ability to see the subtle, beyond the obvious. Teaching us to learn through listening with all of our senses to see the interconnectedness and the cultivation of our higher sensory awareness including the sensing of oneself and of consciousness.
Ask yourself, the question is what is your goal where and what do you need to do to get there?
Our feet need to know where we are going , our mind needs a direction, and clarity. Action is clear when our desires are clear. We don't want to wander aimlessly, if you are not convinced, then ask more questions, It's not technique thats missing, it's knowing what your goal is.
Having said that the ultimate goal of course the highest goal is to know the experiencer, to experience consciousness , not to just use it but to perceive and experience consciousness itself.
May we face our truths with patience, integrity, and care. In the moonlight of kindness, may we steer our ships safely through rocky seas of change.
I send you lots of love and Luck with the Full Moon Cycle
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Siri Prakash