In the Name of the Cosmos

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The Return of Deliberate Motion- Saturn Turns Direct

After nearly five months Saturn with all of its strength turns direct in Capricorn on October 11th to begin clearing the path of change. The planets are conscious witnesses to all of our incarnations out of them Saturn is most diligent in his record-keeping deeds.

Saturn is not generous nor gentle; he is the embodiment of justice by bringing into balance what is owed before we move on to begin a cycle.

Saturn's direct motion is good for us all, moving forward is what we need to complete our cycle but there is a bill to pay. As Saturn moves forward and through the end of the year Saturn will burst the bubbles of the reality we are in. Saturn will work to bring order and clarity but first, he has to break down what isn't true. Saturn will help us greatly with the challenges to come and once Jupiter moves away from both Saturn's signs in April of 2022 is when we will feel the generosity from Jupiter.

Aquarius, Libra, Pisces, Cancer, and Capricorn are the most affected signs. Look at your personal chart to see the areas they own with lessons awakened by Saturn's gaze and placement.

Saturn will be strong through April of 2025 he will take a short dip into Aquarius in April 2022, but it's not until January of 2023 when he really moves in where he supports the growth Jupiter is bringing.

When we hide from what we have to face it creates a state of contracted fear. When we face it with dignity and a willingness to change we grow into our potential. With the practice of facing the challenge, we expand with the experience, our confidence grows knowing you can rely on dependable foundations you built.

I wish you love and luck with the direct motion of Saturn


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