In the Name of the Cosmos

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A Fresh Mindset Takes Hold - Mercury moves into Gemini on July 7th - 25th

Taking the reins of our expression, intellect, and curiosity Mercury moves into the more playful of his signs coming under the beneficial gaze of Jupiter reviving our curiosity to explore, connect and take chances.

The air element and Mercurial energy dominate with Mercury depositing the Sun, Mercury, and the upcoming new Moon of July 9th. Directing us to explore and to test the ground where the opportunity is ripe in establishing new connections, and the possibility of reconnecting with past relations - due to retrograde Jupiter’s influence. Just be careful who you make up with, they are still the same person.

Our attention is captured with a birth of ideas and connections, how we can expand in both our financial and relationship zones. Filling our tanks with enthusiasm and play.

Mercury is one of our wealth planets as is the Moon, 2nd from Mercury in transit is a debilitated Mars (action) conjunct Venus (wealth), in Cancer, 8th from Mercury is Saturn, 6th from him is Ketu and 12th is Rahu.

All indications suggest that with the high optimism and energetic push this period may lure us into making transitions that are not as lucrative as we may initially have thought, best not to put all your eggs in one basket in business ventures.

Jupiter retrograde is 9th from Mercury with his 5th aspect to him is beneficial, but it is not holding lasting results it opens doors to get the ball rolling, this is a good result.

All of the inner planets have now moved through the mouth of Rahu and with Mercury in his sign, we are working on re-establishing our connections, quickly analyzing what we have to work with and by the time he gets to Virgo later in August, we will be perfecting them.

Enjoy the transit of Mercury in Gemini.

Siri Prakash

It’s a great time to book a reading and see what’s in store for you and how you can better direct your focus and energy to get the best results