In the Name of the Cosmos

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How to ride the Roller Coaster Mercury Transits Gemini May 24 – August 2

Opening our minds to curiosity, intelligence, and intentional observation. Mercury charges into Gemini rushing to meet Rahu reviving our quick thinking, our flexible nature giving us a great dimension to our intelligence and our wit helping us rein in the chaos. Mercury’s extended stay is due to his retrograde from June 18th through July 12th adding a fourth planet to our retrograde season. His retrograde will make him stronger and with a strong and powerful retrogradeVenus these two planets two are opening key avenues by creating more constructive dialogues and meaningful connections where we can build on tangible results based on our ideas, conversations and connections. 

Mercury transit in his own sign is strengthening and harnessing our intelligence and curiosity with the genius touch of Rahu, Mercury is teaching us to be more adaptable, flowing with change and becoming as resourceful as possible to meet our needs. He is awakening solutions within us to take action in which direction would we like to pursue for the foreseeable future. How can we make a living in this new paradigm, applying our talents, interests, and abilities in meaningful ways and how can we help each other to do so.

For the next two months Mercury is teaching us how to ride our roller coaster of 2020 where he is looking for solutions, creating remedies, looking to our supply chains, maintaining lines of communication, working on the marketplace, even though he is joined with Rahu his transit is positive light in the upcoming landscape of Summer 2020.

Keep your spirits up  keep immune system strong in body, mind and spirit.

I send you lots of love and luck with the transit of Mercury

Siri Prakash

Its a great time to book a reading and see what coming up for you