Sun Transits Taurus May 14 – June 15
photo Stephen Ellcock
Sun Transits Taurus May 14 – June 15
When the Sun takes its throne to the home of Taurus, Venus' fixed earth sign we naturally take more time to enjoy the blooms that greet us, the birds that sing and the simple and sensual pleasures the life offers to us.
The Sun and Venus are not natural friends, why you say? .. Its challenges the Me (Sun) vs. We (Venus) raising issues of cooperation and flexibility.
The first two weeks of the Sun’s transit in Taurus the Sun is in good position position with no malefic influences.
Mercury and Venus who normally travel with the Sun are free and get to function optimally without being burned by the Sun creating an optimistic and energetic environment.
Take the opportunity now and enjoy the delight the Sun is giving in the the home of gracious Venus. As the the Sun travels through Summer lasting until the Fall (June 15th through Mid October) it will have a tough time in each sign starting with Gemini all the way until Virgo challenged by hard and difficult aspects and from Saturn and Mars and a conjunction with the north node in Cancer. Libra will also not welcome the Sun, you see it is the other half of the Venus ruled signs.
Take it easy and enjoy the Sun in Taurus and find your flowers
I send you love and luck with its transit
Siri Prakash
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